Terms of Trade

  1. CorpXSasia Limited; is registered at 73 Coningham Road, W12 8BS London and uses the rep office in the UK based at 1 Quality Court, WC2A  1HR,  London and in Hong Kong based at 803 Cheung’s Building, 1-3 Wing Lok Street, Central, Hong Kong. Hereafter referred to as CorpXSasia. 
  2. Data Protection and Confidentiality: As a result of any order, agreement and or service request CorpXSasia may hold personal data about the Client. CorpXSasia will process that information only in connection with providing the said services. CorpXSasia will not disclose Clients’ names, company names or private details to any outside parties other than when required to do so by regulatory authorities and/or law enforcement agencies of the United Kingdom or where it is necessary in order to carry out the services. 
  3. Client data may be held on Cloud services (i.e. Cloud Exchange). The Client accepts that CorpXSasia cannot be held liable for loss of service in relation to or data held by CorpXSasia’s internet service providers. 
  4. Scope of Services: CorpXSasia provides services which can be referred to as Corporate Access; i.e. the facilitation of meetings between Institutional Investors and Listed Corporate entities in the widest sense of the word. The latter usually, but not limited to, based or incorporated in Asia. CorpXSasia will at no point be involved in the provision of regulated (financial) services or any activities that are deemed to be subject to regulatory approval or scrutiny. CorpXSasia will explicitly not engage in any investment advice nor in any activities that can be deemed as or related to investment recommendations or influencing of investment decisions.  CorpXSasia has the right to refuse to undertake or engage in (a proposal for) a meeting, facilitation, roadshow or meeting series or the cooperation with a client of which CorpXSasia believes such may be illegal or not stand the test of (financial) regulators. 
  5. Instructions: CorpXSasia can only accept requests, orders and instructions in writing. It will maintain a log of Client instructions that will be available for the Client to access upon request in case a dispute arises. 
  6. Fees: Services and meeting arrangements will be charged to the Client in the form of fees. Fees are charged on the basis of the effort, difficulty and expected time involved in arranging these. Fees will be disclosed to the client prior to the meetings taking place. Further provisions of hotel, travel and entertainment bookings will be either at cost+ or at a flat booking fee per occasion. CorpXSasia aims for full transparency of costs before the meeting, roadshow or reverse-roadshow takes place. VAT will be added to the cost of service in accordance with the commercial law of the United Kingdom or constituency of any other country we work from.   
  7. Assistance: Meeting schedules will be provided to clients in either hard copy, online or via email or in a combination of those before the meeting, roadshow or corporate access trip commences. 
  8. Meeting cancellation from the side of the meeting taker; Although CorpXSasia will do everything within its power to confirm and re-confirm every arranged meeting, it can at no time and at no occasion be held responsible for last-minute changes to the schedule and/or cancellations. In case of a cancelled meeting on the side of the meeting provider (the listed corporate in case of a reverse roadshow) CorpXSasia will do its best to reimburse the associated fees but this will be at the discretion of CorpXSasia as to whether any associated fees eventually will be waived.  
  9. Meeting cancellation from the side of meeting requestor; In the event that a counterpart cancels a meeting with the Client, the Client will not be charged. However, should the Client wish to cancel a pre-arranged meeting, 48 hr notification by email and confirmed receipt thereof applies otherwise full meeting charges will apply.
  10. Billing: Invoices will be issued 10 days after the last meeting has taken place and are payable within 10 working days after issue
  11. Payment: Payment should be made maximum 10 days after the last meeting has taken place. CorpXSasia will only accept payment by direct bank transfer. (Full banking details will be provided with the invoice). Should the Client have any queries in relation to the invoice, these should be made in writing and sent to info@corpxsasia within 2 working days of receipt. 
  12. Late Payment: If payment has not been received within 15 working days of date of invoice, CorpXSasia reserves the right to charge interest and debt recovery costs in respect of any amounts that remain unpaid after the last due date for payment. Interest will be calculated at the rate of 2% per month.  
  13. Expense Receipts: Corpxsasia’s standard practice is for all receipts for expenses to be retained on file and can be made available if explicitly requested upon which CorpXSasia will respond within 5 working days.
  14. No Recruitment: The Client agrees not to entice, offer employment or employ any member of CorpXSasia’s staff or contractors either during or for a period of no less than one year from the date of termination of this agreement. 
  15. Liability and Indemnity: CorpXSaisa will not be liable a) in respect of any loss of profits, income, revenue, use, production or anticipated savings b) for any loss of business, contracts or commercial opportunities c) for any loss of or damage to goodwill or reputation d) in respect of any loss or corruption of any data, database or software and e) in respect of any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage f) for the quality of the content of meetings arranged g) for any costs incurred by the client made during a reverse roadshow or NDR unless explicitly agreed in the contract. CorpXSasia charges only for meetings and never incur any expense on behalf of the Client unless by prior agreement. Any other arrangements (eg. entertainment) should be made and paid for by the Client itself.  No entertainment charges will ever be pre-financed or paid for by CorpXsasia. Only reservation bookings of £50 will apply and appear as such on the invoice. 
  16. Termination: (1) The Client may terminate this Agreement at any time. (2) CorpXSasia reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time. Should such a termination occur, CorpXSasia shall return the Client deposit (if any) less any costs CorpXSasia has incurred. CorpXSasia’s decision will be final. CorpXSasia will not be liable to the Client for any costs whatsoever save for damages for death or personal injury.
  17. Law: This agreement is made under the law of the United Kingdom. 

Our Services

Our services


Regulation Compliant and Future proof

Bridging the time and language barrier resulting in an imminently more cost effective NDR.
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Our services


Bespoke, Transparent and Efficient

Efficient Corporate Access days meeting investors in any global Investment Centre.
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1 Quality Court
WC2A 1HR London
+44 (0)203 176 6377

Hong Kong

Rm 1104 Crawford House
70 Queen's Rd. Central
Central, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2961 4867